DeepTime, for iOS
The geologic time scale at your fingertips
The most recent geological time scale, including all the GSSPs (golden spikes), and with search for current and no-longer-used chronostratigraphic units.
Mancos, for iOS, and the Apple Watch
Your geology, right now.
Geological maps, regional stratigraphy, and fossil collections of the United States and beyond.
Strike and Dip, for iOS
Into the field
Measure and record your geological field notes, all tagged with your current GPS-based position, date, and time. Add photographs to your notes, and show your locations on a geological map.
Coordinates, for iOS
Instantly convert GPS coordinates, map them, and point yourself to them
Coordinates makes it a snap to convert any position between the four formats for recording your geographic position. Send the location as a text message, view it on a map, or get a bearing and distance that will let you walk right to the location. Even use the GPS to get your current position. Now with waypoints!
Backstrip, for macOS
Backstripping made easy
Simple backstripping of your stratigraphic sections: enter your data, tap the Backstrip button, and you have a publication-ready plot of accommodation.
Analytic Rarefaction, for macOS
Fast individual-based rarefaction
Super-easy individual-based rarefaction curves with confidence intervals.
Taxon, for macOS
Blazing fast ecological data entry and analysis
Enter your ecological counts fast and accurately, easily calculate common diversity metrics and rarefaction curves, and flawlessly export your data for heavy-duty data analysis.